Carson: Benghazi was “gift-wrapped present” for Romney in 2012
10/22/2015   By Bradford Richardson | The Hill
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Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney should have emphasized the Benghazi terrorist attacks more in his unsuccessful White House bid. 

“I gotta tell you, I was shocked, really, in the 2012 election that Mr. Romney sort of let that one go,” Carson said on WABC’s “The Rita Cosby Show” on Thursday. “I mean, to me, that was a gift-wrapped present put in your lap. I certainly would not let it go.” 

The retired neurosurgeon said he will continue to hold the attacks against Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of State at the time.

“I would want to really know from her why is it that she didn’t heed the many requests for reinforcements before the attack?” Carson said. “What was her reaction after that? Or was her operation so incompetent that it would not be able to protect the people?” 

Clinton has accused Republicans of politicizing the attacks, which claimed the lives of four Americans. 

The former first lady testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday. 

Carson also addressed a poll released on Thursday that has him leading the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus. He attributed the Iowa poll to his success with women voters. 

He declined to say whether Republican primary rival Donald Trump had alienated women with his inflammatory rhetoric, but hinted that “there are things that people might take offense at.” 

The Republican presidential hopeful, who was recently issued a Secret Service detail, said threats against his life are “serious.” 

“I have recognized, and people have been telling me for many, many months, that I am in great danger, because I challenge the secular, progressive movement to the very core. They see me as an existential threat, and I know that.”

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